Semi-Retired or Retired Members are Full Members who have retired or partially retired from professional work that is primarily psychological in nature.
Full Members shall reside or work in New Hampshire, shall at the time of application be engaged in professional work that is primarily psychological in nature, and shall possess a doctoral degree in psychology or a closely related field. This doctoral degree shall be:
a. based in part upon a psychological dissertation or other evidence of proficiency in psychological scholarship; and
b. awarded by a regionally accredited graduate or professional school, or by a graduate or professional school that achieved such accreditation within the five (5) years subsequent to the award of the degree in question, or by a foreign institution with academic requirements essentially similar to those of a regionally accredited graduate or professional school.
Full Members shall be eligible to vote in the Association’s elections, on its ballots, and at its Annual Meetings; shall be eligible to chair or otherwise serve as voting members of the Association’s committees if appointed thereto; and shall be eligible to serve on the Board of
Directors if elected thereto.
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New Hampshire Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. New Hampshire Psychological Association maintains responsibility for the programs and content of all continuing education events.