Behavioral Healthcare Advocacy: NHPA’s Behavioral Healthcare Advocacy Committee (BHAC) serves to advise NHPA on matters vital to the practice of professional psychology in the state. It identifies developments in the practice, legislative, and reimbursement arenas that affect psychologists and recommends strategies to respond to them in order to advance the effective and ethical practice of psychology across a variety of health care settings. Click here to read the NHPA end of session report. Mental Health Practice Survey Results 2023

Continuing Education: The goal of the Continuing Education (CE) Committee is to assess the CE needs of NH psychologists and plan, develop, and organize educational events throughout the state. This committee maintains APA accreditation for its offerings.

Early Career Psychologist (ECP): Serves psychologists in New Hampshire who have obtained a doctoral degree within the last 7 years. The committee’s two main goals are to directly support Early Career Psychologists and to provide input to NHPA about ECP interests and needs. Ultimately, the committee hopes to serve ECPs in New Hampshire by both creating networking opportunities and making relevant resources more easily accessible to psychologists in the early years of their profession.

The committee meets monthly to address issues relevant to ECPs. Meetings are typically held the second Thursday of the month at noon, via Zoom. 

Ethics: NHPA’s Ethics Committee strives to promote, support, and encourage ethical decision-making and behavior on the part of psychologists in the state by providing information and education about matters of ethical or professional conduct to NHPA members. The committee bases its activities on the current Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association (APA). Committee members also provide on-call ethics consultation services for NHPA members struggling with an ethical and/or professional concern.

Finance: This committee oversees the financial planning and management of NHPA by ensuring that all fiscal aspects of operations are in order. It is responsible for annual budgeting and financial planning and provides financial reporting to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis. The Finance Committee also sets long-term financial goals that support NHPA’s mission, values, and strategic goals.

Human Resources: This committee performs important personnel functions for NHPA including updating and maintaining position descriptions, negotiating and administering salary and benefits packages, and conducting annual performance evaluations for salaried employees (e.g., Executive Director, Assistant Director). It makes recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning employment contracts, conditions, and compensation for employees.

Inclusion & Equity Committee: This committee endeavors to advise the community of Psychologists in New Hampshire and the NHPA Board of Directors concerning race, gender, class, sexuality, and other identities, their social construction, and subsequent impact on well-being for NHPA members and their patients. Using an intersectional lens, I & E offers recommendations for advancing psychological health with an aim of upending racism and other oppressions. A primary of goal of I & E is to encourage the dissemination of psychological knowledge to advance equity and to provide racial literacy tools needed for psychologists to detect, name, and replace oppressive policies and practices that perpetuate disease and unwellness, first beginning with the process of familiarizing ourselves with our own proximity to White supremacy. Click here for the Inclusion & Equity page.

Legislative: This committee seeks to educate NHPA members on local governmental and legislative issues that impact the practice of psychology in the state. The committee also recognizes the important role psychologists can play by participating in the legislative process. It encourages psychologists to share their expertise and views with state officials who create legislation and policies relevant to mental health care in New Hampshire.

Membership: The goal of the Membership Committee is to recruit, engage, and retain members by conducting outreach to potential members and monitoring the changing trends, wants, and needs of NHPA members.

Public Relations: This committee creates and develops campaigns designed to educate the people of New Hampshire about the field of psychology and the work of NHPA. It engages in community outreach activities and offers a Speakers Bureau composed of NHPA members who have expertise in certain areas of mental health and are available to translate this knowledge to the media and the general public.

Research Division: This committee promotes and supports research in psychology and psychology-related fields in the state of NH. It encourages involvement in research activities and promotes the benefits of such pursuits. It also enhances collaborations among colleagues (psychologists, faculty, and researchers) and students (graduate and undergraduate) with similar research interests and compatible needs. This committee develops, collects, and communicates information regarding research resources and funding opportunities, as well as develops outlets for disseminating research findings and increasing the visibility of NH research. Each year in April, this committee organizes and hosts the annual NHPA Academic Convention to bring together psychology students from around the state for educational and networking opportunities that expand their understanding of the science and practice of psychology.

New Hampshire Psychological Association

PO Box 566     |   Weare, NH 03281 

Phone- 603-415-0451

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New Hampshire Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. New Hampshire Psychological Association maintains responsibility for the programs and content of all continuing education events.

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