The National Register of Health Service Psychologists is the largest credentialing organization for psychologists and doctoral students. The National Register banks primary source credentials and provides benefits including licensure mobility, verifications to healthcare organizations, expert clinical content, continuing education, and referrals through Credentialing scholarships are available for doctoral students and early career psychologists. More at
NHPA is partnering with the National Register to provide live DISCOUNTED workshops.
Check back often to see upcoming events.
Special Clinical Webinar:
Telehealth vs In-Person: Ethics and Strategies for Treating Those at Risk
Mary K. Alvord PhD and David Jobes, PhD
Friday, May 3, 12:00–3:15pm ET
3 CE Credits
Drs. Mary K. Alvord and David Jobes will present key ethical considerations for telehealth in this 3-hour workshop designed to meet PSYPACT and licensure renewal requirements. Telehealth is a modality that reduces barriers to care—particularly for rural, remote, diverse, and underserved populations. Drs. Alvord and Jobes will focus on criteria to help practitioners determine when it is in the client‘s best interest to use in-person versus telehealth sessions, or when it’s appropriate to use a hybrid model and at what point in treatment. They will also discuss how practitioners can ethically offer a range of options. Dr. Jobes will discuss commonsense suggestions for managing suicide risk and emergency situations when using telehealth as a modality. He will discuss informed consent, third parties who may be asked to assist in an emergency, and provisions for problems that may come up related to using telehealth (e.g., privacy, bad connection, wifi drops the call). Dr. Jobes will also discuss decreasing exposure to malpractice liability by doing evidence-based care and documenting the clinical work well.
Learning Objectives:
NHPA members receive a $15 discount!
CLICK HERE for more information and to register!
Sony Khemlani-Patel, PhD
Thursday, May 16, 2024
2:00–3:00 p.m. ET
1 CE Credit
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is largely underdiagnosed and overlooked due to many factors. Individuals with BDD often seek cosmetic procedures rather than mental health treatment or do not reveal the nature of their symptoms to clinicians. BDD can present with high suicidality, multiple co-morbidities, and significant impairment in functioning requiring clinicians to address a multitude of risk and clinical factors. Dr. Sony Khemlani-Patel will help you to recognize and assess for the diagnosis, distinguish it from disorders with overlapping symptoms, and introduce evidence-based treatment strategies.
Learning Objectives:
NHPA members receive a $10 discount!
Use code NHPA10
CLICK HERE for more information and to register!