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  • Sequence XIV: Ethics and Risk Management of Navigating New Frontiers in Psychological Practice

Sequence XIV: Ethics and Risk Management of Navigating New Frontiers in Psychological Practice

  • 7 Mar 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Zoom



This event is a partnership with The Trust
and it *IS INCLUDED* in the CE bundle.

Friday, March 7, 2025
9:00AM - 4:30PM

6 Ethics Continuing Education Credits
15% off your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Policy
premium (for 2 consecutive years at policy renewal)


Program Description:

For over two decades, The Trust has worked to educate and support psychologists in improving their ethics and risk management skills and strategies by providing live workshops, webinars, risk management consultations, and expanding resources. Th is 14th Workshop in our Sequence series continues to emphasize applied, integrated and strategic methods to help you stay grounded in ethical principles and practices, and to protect you from adverse disciplinary and legal actions.

In today’s swiftly changing landscape, psychologists are witnessing a surge of fresh opportunities and possibilities. Th ese emerging frontiers not only broaden the scope of professional activities for aiding clients and patients through innovative methods, but also off er avenues to enhance and support practice in ways that were once unimaginable. However, these new territories also come with their own set of unique challenges, unforeseen risks, and uncertainties.

Workshop XIV is dedicated to exploring the ethical considerations and risk management strategies essential for effectively maneuvering through these novel domains in psychological practice. Specific topics include: necessary considerations for expanding one’s practice into new areas, psychedelic assisted therapy (PAT), the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in psychological practice, issues related to digital security, new understandings of PSYPACT and interjurisdictional telepsychology (IJTP), and effectively managing transitions in one’s practice (e.g., new employment, retirement, disability/illness, professional wills).

* This course will not fulfill requirements of all jurisdictions. It is important that potential participants review their respective state licensing board requirements prior to registering for this workshop.

Level of Instruction:


Learning Objectives:
1. Describe basic principles of ethics and risk management, as applied to several specific clinical situations that arise in professional practice.

2. List at least three areas of the ethics code relevant to expanding one’s psychological practice into new directions.

3. Describe potential risks psychologists face when growing their business in new areas.

4. Summarize at least three risk management strategies that can assist in mitigating risk.

5. Explain the current state of legality regarding this model of treatment; identify areas of unique risk when practicing PAT; and delineate at least five specific strategies for ethically managing those risks.

6. Define psychedelic assisted therapy (PAT).

7. Differentiate between legal and illegal interjurisdictional telepsychology (IJTP) practice and explain multiple avenues for legal practice.

8. Define three benefits and three risks of using artificial intelligence in psychological practice.

9. Identify three aspects of HIPAA that apply to privacy and security in emerging technology.

10. Summarize four steps in preparing for transitions in professional practice, and three action steps when these changes occur.

11. Delineate at least four risk management strategies for IJTP, both within and outside of PSYPACT, including the management of patients in crisis across jurisdictions.

About the Presenter:

Dr. Marc A. Martinez received his B.A. from Cornell University and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. He completed an APA-accredited predoctoral internship and a postdoctoral fellowship at Georgia Regional Hospital in Atlanta. In 2011, Dr. Martinez became board certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in Forensic Psychology. Dr. Martinez is currently a licensed psychologist in Indiana as a Health Service Provider in Psychology, Ohio, and New York. He also has authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) and Temporary Authorization to Practice (TAP) under PSYPACT.

Dr. Martinez has been an ethics and risk management consultant to mental health professionals for The Trust’s professional liability insurance program since 2020. Dr. Martinez founded his private practice, Clinical and Forensic Psychology Services, in 2012 through which he provides a variety of forensic and clinical services, including evaluations and consultations related to competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility/insanity defense, sexual recidivism risk (including civil commitment of individuals who commit sexual offenses), violence recidivism risk, and disability determinations. Prior to establishing his private practice, Dr. Martinez worked as the lead forensic psychologist for a secured forensic unit at a state psychiatric hospital in Georgia and as an independent examiner for New York State’s Bureau of Sex Offender Evaluation and Treatment.

Eligibility for Insurance Premium Discounts Workshop completion earns 6 CE credits and eligibility to receive a 15% premium discount on your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance for your next 2 consecutive policy periods. To obtain CE discounts, submit CE certification from an organization approved by APA to offer CE credit (must have been completed within the previous 15 months) with the insurance application. Discounts cannot be combined and are not applicable to Researcher/Academician or Student policies. Group policies become eligible for the CE discount when at least 50% of those insured under the group policy submit CE certification. All applications are individually underwritten and submission of CE certification will not guarantee insurance policy issuance or renewal.


NHPA prices workshops by CE credit hour: 
$25.00 per CE for members; $35.00 per CE for non-members

Group Rates Available:
3 - 5 people = $15 off individual rate (member/non-member)
6 - 8 people = $20 off individual rate (member/non-member)
8 + people = $25 off individual rate (member/non-member)
Please contact ce@nhpsychology.org for more information. Please include first name, last name and email address for each participant in the group, along with a contact person for the invoice. 

Paying with a check:

Checks must be received within one week of the event. If payment has not been received, registrant will still have option to pay online with a credit card up until the day before the program. If an invoice remains open on the day of the event, the registrant will not be allowed to attend.

Cancellation policy: 
Refunds, minus a 10% cancellation fee, will be issued for all cancellations received two weeks prior to the start of the course. No refunds or vouchers will be made thereafter. No-shows are not refunded.

Attendance policy:
Full attendance is required to obtain CEs per NHPA policy. No partial credit will be given. Those who attend the workshop and complete the evaluation form will receive 6 ethics continuing education credits. Please note that APA CE rules require that we only give credit to those who attend the entire workshop. Those arriving more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time or leaving before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credits. 

Registrations are Transferable: 
Registrants can transfer an event confirmation to another individual, but a 10% fee will be incurred. The NHPA office must be notified of the transfer at least 24 hours prior to the event. 

This program is sponsored by the New Hampshire Psychological Association. NHPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NHPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

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New Hampshire Psychological Association

PO Box 566     |   Weare, NH 03281 

Phone- 603-415-0451

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New Hampshire Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. New Hampshire Psychological Association maintains responsibility for the programs and content of all continuing education events.

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